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Hi there!
My name is Hayatti Rahgeni.
I'm a certified mental health coach, an emotional clearing expert, and an energy healer.
My superpower is I can tap into other people's energy body or aura (with their permission), clear their emotional blockages caused by stuck emotional energies, and release emotions that they have suppressed for so many years.

More than a decade ago, I was in so much pain.
My pain was not physical but it was more of mental and emotional pain.
I remember clearly that I was an extremely negative person.
Negative thinking, negative thoughts, and disempowered self-talk were my constant companions.
And of course, when I think negatively, my negative thoughts affect my emotions.
I was depressed for years and to top it off I didn't know that I was and I didn't know that I needed help at that time.
The depression had led me to being suicidal.
It affected my marriage and my relationship with my husband.
I had lived with a non-stop negative vicious cycle.
I was basically living in my own version of hell.
In the midst of depression and suicidal, I felt that I was trapped with no way out.
Thankfully, I held on to the belief that there had to be a way out, otherwise, there was no point for me to continue living.
That was how I stumbled onto a teleseminar that hosted energy healers.
It was my first exposure to the energy healing world.
I didn't know anything about energy healing.
My first experience of energy healing was when I listened to a healer in the call. The healer did her healing and I felt something shifted within me. I didn't know what it was but I knew something had changed.
A few years later, I attended an energy healing class with the intention to heal myself.
What I had learned opened my eyes to this mystical energy realm.
While other students struggled to feel the subtle energy, it was effortless for me.
Therefore, I made the decision to dedicate my life to practice this energy healing modality.
I practiced on myself, my siblings, relatives, and even strangers.
After a year of practice, I realized that this specific energy healing modality isn't for me.
Having said that I was still very much invested in energy healing just not that modality.
From there, I've invested my time and resources to focus on other energy healing modalities.
To cut the story short, I accidentally discovered my gift while I was healing a boy.
I was really surprised by it.
Nevertheless, I acknowledged it and I never look back since.
Assisting others to clear their emotional blockages and helping them to release their suppressed emotions is my gift.
That is where my genius is.
That is what I can do for others.
That is what I can do for the world.
My healing journey has been amazing.
My transformation is a result of self-reflection, confronting my own demons, clearing my own emotional blockages, and also releasing deep suppressed emotions.
The more that I work on myself, the more I heal myself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Previously, where I got bombarded with non-stop negative thoughts and disempowered self-talk, that was replaced with having a calm mind and mental peace.
I used to feel shitty about myself and my life. I remember that I would rather die and leave the world than continue to live my life. I am now a completely different person than before and I feel empowered to share my knowledge and wisdom.
I look forward to work with you and assist you to live your life powerfully and authentically.
Hayatti Rahgeni
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