Energetic Support
for cancer patients
Energetic Support are not healing sessions.
This energetic support is specifically for people with cancer.
As healing is giving energy to what you want to heal, it is not recommended to give any healing energy to cancer.
Giving healing energy to cancer is similar to giving sugar to cancer cells.
Cancer thrives on energy. The more you give energy to it, the more they grow and spread.
Hence, what is highly recommended is energetic support for what you need right now or for your highest good.
You can request for energetic support to focus on better mental health, or better emotional health, or anything that is not giving energy to cancer is acceptable.
The energetic support will be provided by Yestred, Hayatti's Higher Self.
Yestred is an Alpha and he is on the Third Ray of Unconditional Love. He embodies love and stands for unconditional love for self and others. He is a warrior and doesn't shy away from trauma and deep emotional pain. He works with those who have heart-related trauma and those who struggle with unconditional love.
This energetic support will be delivered remotely. Each session is 20 minutes.
Energetic Support can be repeated once a month, twice a month or once a week.
Reminder: This session is not to replace any cancer treatments nor is it to heal cancer.
It is an additional support that can/may complement your current treatments for the benefits stated below.
Please continue with your treatments whilst receiving this energetic support.
Kindly read the note under this page.
The Benefits are:
Ease symptoms
Alleviate mood
Reduce depression
Lessen anxiety
Lower stress
Improve sleep
Increase hope
Experience peace
Enhance enjoyment
And more
Hayatti has been learning and practicing energy healing since 2011.
Along her journey, she met Ascension healers, Verna and Weireti. They are the guardians of the Ascended Masters' portal in New Zealand. Hayatti then began her ascension in 2018.
Two years later, she passed the 4th initiation, whereby she has attained a state of unconditional love.
She also has passed the 5th initiation which means she has no karma left and she has left the cycle of rebirth. All of her chakras are perfected which enables her to facilitate her sessions at a higher vibration.
Hayatti has passed the 6th initiation and currently embodying her Higher Self.
Energetic Support is for:
Those who have cancer
Those who are undergoing cancer treatments
Cancer patients who want additional energetic support
Energetic Support is not for:
Those who are looking for energy healing sessions
Those who abdicate personal responsibility
Those who unwilling to invest in their transformation
Frequently Ask Questions
How does this work?
During the session, you can meditate or lay down.
Set your intention to receive the energetic support.
What if I'm working or sleeping at that time?
It is best to schedule a time when you are relaxed and be in a quiet space for you to receive the energetic support.
Can I purchase this for other people?
Kindly get their consent first. Once they give their consent then you can make your purchase.
What time zone is Hayatti in?
Hayatti is in Brunei Darussalam.
The time zone is BNT or GMT/UTC +8.
Can I do a bank transfer?
Yes, bank transfer is available if you are in Brunei.
Please send us an email.
What is your refund policy?
There is no refund given.
All sales are final.
Will this work for me?
Yes. At the start of the session, set your intention to receive the energetic support.
Remain open for other possible outcomes.
Is one session enough?
It depends where you are in your journey. If you just need a tiny pull in the right direction, then one session may be enough. Otherwise, several sessions are recommended.
Why should I get their consent?
If you don't get their consent then we can't send energetic support to them. We won't violate their free will if they don't want any energetic support.
When are Hayatti available?
Monday and Thursday - from 1 pm to 5 pm BNT.
Tuesday and Wednesday - from 9 am to 4 pm BNT.
Do you have other modes of payment?
Payment can also be sent via MoneyGram.
Click here for more details.
What is your cancellation policy?
No cancellation.
The session proceeds as scheduled.
Hayatti Rahgeni's products and services and their transformational effects are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical disease or condition. Hayatti Rahgeni is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or any health care professional. Products and Services offered may serve as a complement and supportive approach to mental and emotional wellbeing and enhancement. Clients of Hayatti Rahgeni take full responsibility for their physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual experiences. Those under medical supervision are encouraged to consult their physician before attending any sessions or events and to bring a medical release form with them in such instances. Persons under 18 years of age need full permission from their parents or guardians to participate in any healing offered in this website.