If you ever feel like you can’t be your true self because of your fear of being ridiculed or you care too much about what other people say or think about you, it’s time to stop caring about what they think.
I know that it’s easier said than done, but honestly, what others say or think about you is their business. It’s truly none of yours. Fearing or caring too much about what other people think of you has been your #1 issue. This makes you feel that it’s not safe to be the real you, to speak up and to stand out. And this paralyzes you from being the heart and soul of who you truly are.
You know deep in your heart that if you can be fully self-expressed then you’ll be happy and joyfully live your life as you see fit. Yet your fear of being judged stops you from fully embracing your real, authentic self. As a result, you feel unhappy, unfulfilled and most likely depressed because you feel you can't be your real self.
You feel insignificant, unappreciated and you feel so alone in your tiny world. You feel no one understands you and this is another reason why you feel like you have to fake yourself when you are with people. Eventually, it becomes tiring to pretend especially when all that you truly desire for yourself is for you to be happy being the real you and genuinely not caring about what other people think of you.
And yet, despite all that inner struggle, you know that you are meant for so much more. You’re not just here to eat, live and breathe. Deep down you yearn to contribute something to the world. Something beautiful and meaningful from your heart but you haven’t done much about it. Maybe you have tried a few things in the past but sadly they didn't work out or failed.
It hurts knowing that you have a gift, skill or talent that you can share for the betterment of humanity but, you are the one standing in your way.

I'm able to make a new start for myself!
"I was feeling depleted, uninspired, stuck. While I knew my work was my Soul's calling, it was not being fruitful financially in recent weeks and I was not clear what to do to turn the tide. I felt myself at an energetic wall and was also very frustrated with the lack of male presence in my life.
As the clearings progressed, I had several profound new insights as to what was holding me back, and also the new awareness to see things VERY differently and take a bold new step in defining and presenting my healing work. I'm in the midst of this massive re-direct, and my enthusiasm is returning as I activate the principle that from now on, it's not just who NEEDS me, but who DELIGHTS me, that I share my deep healing work with! I'm also getting more responses from online dating sites after a long dry spell.
I have brand-new thoughts about how I WANT to contribute to the world with my spiritual gifts, ones that no longer reflect a sense of servitude but a sense of mutual contribution--so much more balanced and enjoyable! I'm reframing the entire structure of my healing practice to reflect self-care, ease, and what I most enjoy doing to heal others. And I'm clearing a lot of old baggage about how I relate to men, which means I'm not "losing myself" to please someone else, but honoring all of me (the lovely, the quirky, and the still-wounded) and really believing and trusting that the truly right partner is coming very close and we can connect in the near future!
Hayatti's work is definitely a game-changer! The steady infusions of healing energy were just right for my system, and allowed change to unfold easily and yet quite noticeably within the 30 days. I'm honored to have received Hayatti's rich healing streams, and I'm able to make a new start for myself because of this!"
~ Susan Sinclair Seattle, Washington, USA
With Shine Your Light Program, you’ll confidently show up as your brilliant authentic self and never feel like you have to dim your light and hide your true self ever again.
Say goodbye to...
Feeling depressed and unfulfilled because you are not doing what you are meant to do in this world
Feeling insignificant and being unappreciated for who you truly are
​Desperate for approval from other people despite knowing they will never approve of you
Feeling drained at the end of the day because you try extremely hard to hide your authentic self
Being frustrated because you are stuck and worrying about not making an impact in the world
Say hello to...
Waking up in the morning feeling confident because you are being your authentic self
Having the willingness to show up and shine your light effortlessly
Positively affect others by being the love and light that you truly are
Having the courage to take action and make a profound difference not only for yourself but also for other people
Letting go of your ego's tendency to judge and compare yourself against other people and their contribution to the world.
I have felt more motivation and inspiration to create offerings to clients again.
"I was unsure of what specifically was ailing me -- but knowing that I felt stuck in a series of bad behaviors. Unlike my life just a few years ago, I was suffering from low energy, unpredictably moody and critical, had no motivation, and just not living my best life.
My first week with Hayatti was truly an awakening. Unlike my experiences with talk-therapy, the results were almost instantaneous. Within a week of our first sessions, I was feeling more in control of my negative behaviors and had energy levels higher than I'd seen in years! I cannot say if all of this would have happened had I not been receiving the remote energy session; however, what I can tell you is that within those 30 days, I decided to go away and take my sister on a trip after being cooped up and not traveling for two years because my boyfriend was not feeling comfortable traveling yet; I called in a like minded new friend who collaborated and started doing Magickal Moon Circles with me and bringing back the motivation to use my gifts and call in my Tribe again!
In all sessions, Hayatti was able to sense areas where there were blocked/needed energy chakras and flow and worked with those through her practice. Hayatti has an innate ability to hold space in such a way that felt safe and sacred, which allowed me to fully surrender to her healing gifts. This is a subtlety that cannot be overstated.
I can't express enough how grateful I am to have experienced her healing. I am seeing and feeling the results in my daily life and it is such a joyous and liberating blessing. Hayatti's grounded and practical approach to wellness, rooted in a spiritual connectedness that's customized to energy patterns, is unparalleled"
~ Kimberley Roles, Harrisville, RI
The only thing standing between you and being the heart and soul that you truly are is the lack of courage and unwillingness to stand out and shine your light.
Here is the plan to ditch feeling insecure, being afraid to shine your light and finally have the courage to stand in your power and share your light with the world.
What you’ll get when you enroll as a member:

1 ~ Weekly Group Transformation Sessions
Get weekly energy clearings to bust energetic blockages from your energetic system. The cleaner your energetic system is the easier for you to be your authentic self, have the courage to speak from your heart and experience more joy in life.
VALUE $400
2 ~ Weekly Feedback for Improvement
Get feedback on what comes up during the weekly Group Transformation. Receives suggestions on what you can work on to expedite your growth and transformation.
VALUE $100

3 ~ Email Support
We all know that life has its ups and downs. If you are in need of guidance, this support is available to you on a monthly basis. Reach out via email and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.
VALUE $100
4 ~ Recordings Available 24/7
Past recordings are available to you 24/7.
The weekly group transformation
The weekly feedback
The Love & Peace transmission
VALUE $220

5 ~ Membership Space on PATREON
Be the first to get notified of new updates.
Access the recordings via the PATREON App with ease.
Receive post updates on a weekly/monthly basis.
VALUE $100
PLUS the following BONUSES
Weekly Energetic Pre-Clearing
This pre-clearing helps you MAXIMIZE the benefits you will receive from the Weekly Group Transformation Sessions. This starts an hour before the Group Transformation Sessions.
VALUE $200

Love & Peace Transmission
We all could use more love and peace within ourselves. You will receive this transmission on the first of every month Brunei Time (UTC+8). Recordings are available.
Once you start receiving energy clearings
from the program,
These are the kinds of results you can expect
Each week I felt progressively better.
"I was feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated and distracted. I was also feeling frustrated with the status of 'the world' which was causing much of the distraction etc.
Each week I felt progressively better. I was able to let go of things that were bogging me down and leading to the overwhelm. I was also able to put my eyes towards my own goals and let go of all of the other junk that was keeping me distracted.
I would absolutely recommend Hayatti and her remote healing!!"
~ G.P.
I felt myself getting calmer and more focused.
"During the month of the clearing I felt myself getting calmer and more focused and as time went on I was able to cope with being separated from my son.
I had more energy and generally felt I was being supported. My daughter also wanted to spend more time with me.
I would definitely recommend Hayatti and I loved the updates we got every week"
~ Valerie Sales, Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland
Kept me calm and peaceful despite the daily difficulties.
"I was moving with my family and 4 cats to a new country and we were facing a lot of hurdles and challenges in the process. That's when I got a chance to enroll in Hayatti's program. I must say that being in this program kept me calm and peaceful even through the difficulties we were facing on a daily basis.
I truly believe that no matter what the external environment is like, as long as we can maintain our inner balance we will be free from stress and maintain peace within. And this energy radiates to everyone around you as well. So my family was equally calm and stress-free (including my cats!) even though they were not a part of the program.
This is what Hayatti's program did for me. I am very grateful for the subtle way it worked on me and my family."
~ Naila
You are ready to embrace everything that makes you who you are, the good, the bad and the ugly
You want to be seen and be proud of who you truly are instead of feeling ashamed, not good enough or unworthy of being your real self
You are done being fearful of what other people say or think of you. You know that it is time to come out of hiding and be who you truly are
You know deep down that you are meant to positively impact other people and the world but you feel you need assurance to take the leap of faith
You yearn to contribute your gift, skill or talent but you haven't figured out how yet
You are aware that life is not all roses and you would love to have additional support to help you get through rough times
You are ready for a massive internal shift and can't wait to shine brightly
The Shine Your Light Program is the fast pass to ditch being afraid to shine your light for good, help you to be your authentic self and be proud to shine your light onto the world.

4 Live Group Transformation per month
(Value $400)
4 Feedback for Improvement per month
(Value $100)
Email Support on a Monthly Basis
(Value $100)
Access to All Recordings 24/7
(Value $220)
Membership Space on PATREON
(Value $100)
BONUS: 4 Energetic Pre-Clearing per month
(Value $200)
BONUS: 1 Love & Peace Energy Transmission per month
(Value $75)
This is not a course.
It is a done-for-you transformational energy clearing on a weekly basis.
You don’t have to know how to clear energetic blockages in your energetic system. All you have to do is be receptive to receive energy healing that is transmitted during the clearings.
This is not transformation without support.
This is not enrolled and then good bye.
As long as you are a member, you will be supported via the weekly energy clearings and the monthly energy transmission. If you are in need of guidance, support via email is available as well.
You also have the option to upgrade your membership to include a remote energy clearing or a private one-on-one coaching.
This is not transformation for the lazy *ss.
This is not a program where you are enrolled as a member, then you forget it and expect yourself to be transformed with no to little effort. You are the co-creator of your life. Therefore we honor you as such. You need to take ownership of your current life and for creating the future you want for yourself. When you do the work, you will stand out from the crowd and your effort will be rewarded.
This is not transformation that leaves you behind.
Each member is included and gets the same amount of energy clearing each week.
How much energy, dedication and commitment you put in yourself, that’s how much you will get out of the program.
We understand that some members want to do a deep and fast dive, and some prefer to take their time. How fast or slow you want your transformation, it is completely in your hands. There is NO competition. Please know that wherever you are in your journey is perfect for you.
Imagine if...
You are out there, showing up with your gift, skill or talent. Your confidence soars like an eagle flying high up in the sky. You cannot be contained anymore. You are no longer afraid of other people’s judgments. You get it now. It doesn’t matter what others think of you. What really matters is what you think of yourself.
You are in gratitude every single day for choosing to be your authentic self. The feeling is beyond relief. Now you can take a deep breath into your belly and soak up all the goodness that comes with being the love and light you truly are.
Since you are no longer occupied by fear and worry, there is a creative space that opens up within you. Your heart and mind are finally saying yes to sharing your gift, skill or talent with the world. You are deeply inspired to work on that brilliant idea of yours that you have had for years. The time is now. You don’t want to waste your time anymore. Every second is precious to you. You start taking action and you are ecstatic to create the change that you want to see in the world.
You are not alone in your endeavor. Just by being your authentic self, you inevitably inspire others to do the same. Along the way, you find those who resonate with your values. You are surrounded by kind-hearted souls who appreciate, acknowledge and support you.
You are happy with yourself, with your growth and knowing that being your authentic self has already elevated the joy, love, peace and kindness in the world. You can't imagine living your life any other way.
All of this and more is possible with the Shine Your Light Program. A holistic approach to supporting you in shining your light every month for years to come.
I stopped making mountains out of mole hills and I am now more open to the possibilities!
"What I have found during the clearing was a levelling out of my emotional response to the little things. I didn't realise I was 'making mountains out of mole hills'.
I also began to feel more lucky again. I know that sounds strange but it was feeling deep inside as if fortune had smiled on me. Externally though things hadn't change, I sensed the possibilities.
I felt the optimism of youth. I had a few lucky coincidences and it was like things that I have long wanted became possible. I didn't say yes to every opportunity that would have just worked against me but the most important I greeted with open arms.
I noticed others around me responding defensively. For instance, while I had no thoughts or emotional charge either way I would be greeted with "I didn't do it" or "it's not my fault". So really it freed me from the constant tug of war that occurs when others cannot pay attention to what they do. It wasn't about right or wrong it was about clarity and awareness.
Before Hayatti’s clearings family dynamics had led me to believe it was me causing agitation but by week 1 making mountains out of mole hills I calmed down. By week 4 I realised it was exactly opposite- I had been reacting with frustration to others' denial etc. This realisation has definitely changed my viewpoint and also decreased a whole range of emotions and pressure I was feeling. I can flow more with life, I am more centred and more open to possibilities and feel optimistic.
Thank you for my reality check and it has been enlightening"
~ Leanne Winner
Have we met yet?

Hi there, my name is Hayatti Rahgeni. I am the go-to girl for energy clearing, emotional clearing and energy healing.
I passed the sixth initiation of Ascension in 2021. A year later, my life completely changed. I found the courage to be real and honest with myself and it led me to come out from hiding and publicly announced that I am a healer. I also found a cause that is dear to my heart and now I dedicate my life to offer healing and support for pets and strays. I feel joy and fulfilled knowing that I can contribute to the welfare of stray animals.
But it wasn’t always like that:
Back in 2012, I learned energy healing to heal myself. After months of practicing, I became confident in my ability as an energy healer. As I walked down the healer path, I began to unlock several psychic abilities along the way.
Since I was young, I had always felt that I was different. Choosing to be a healer amplified my fear that I would be prosecuted for being different and for having psychic gifts. I felt I couldn't be myself, a healer who is psychic and loves to heal.
It was soul-crushing but once I found the courage to come out and share with the world that I am a healer, I owned it fully and stopped being so concerned about what other people think of me.
I became comfortable being a healer with psychic abilities and letting my light shine brightly.
Wherever you are in your journey, it's never too late to shine your light. If you need help to get there, I am here and I can guide you. I look forward to assist you in shining your light.
Much Love,
Last few questions
How long are you going to hide your brilliant, authentic self and dim your light because you are afraid of other people’s judgments or you feel you’re not good enough?
If you are here on this page and make your way down here, then you know deep in your heart you are meant for so much more. YOU MATTER, otherwise you wouldn't even exist. The world would be a hundred times better when you are being the love and light that you authentically are.
The question is: are you willing to get out of your own way so you can be your authentic self? The one that brings you absolute joy. The one that you are happy with. The one that you are so proud to be and excited to share with the world.
Or are you intentionally racking up more excuses for why you shouldn’t be yourself? And why it’s not a good idea for you to shine your light at all?
As a member of this program, we’ll support you in accelerating your journey and transformation so you can be your authentic self and shine your light. You will be brave and you will be courageous. You will speak your truth and you will speak from your heart. Your desire to create change will amplify and you will make a profound difference in the world.
Are you ready to get started and
shine your light on purpose?
How soon can I start?
You can start right away. Whenever you start is the right time for you.
The program has already started. Is it too late to join?
It's never too late to join. Whenever you join is the perfect timing for you.
How much is it to join the program?
USD 145 per month.
If I join the program when will my card be charged?
Your card will be charged on the day you sign up and then monthly on that same date.
What am I getting once I enrolled?
Weekly group transformation, weekly feedback for improvement, love and peace transmission, new abundance transmission, energetic support, access to past recordings, and email support.
When is the Weekly Group Transformation?
Monday 10 am BNT/ 1 pm AEDT/ 3 pm NZDT | Sunday 7 pm PDT/ 10 pm EDT
I’ve never experienced energy clearings before. Will this work for me?
Yes! There are two things for you to do during energy clearings.
1) Let go of non-beneficial thoughts, emotions, stories and judgments, and
2) Be open to receive healing energy.
Do these 2 and you will feel the transformation from within.
Do I need to be sensitive to energy to benefit from energy clearings?
Absolutely not. Being sensitive to energy is not a requirement. If you are, then that is just a bonus for you. Please make sure you do the following:
1) Let go of non-beneficial thoughts, emotions, stories and judgments, and
2) Be open to receive healing energy during the clearings.
What should I be doing during energy clearings?
We find that it’s best that you are in a quiet space where you can sit and relax or meditate for at least 30 minutes.
What if I am working or sleeping during energy clearings?
You can do one of the following.
1) set your intention to receive before or after the clearing or
2) set aside 30 minutes and set your intention to receive at a later time.
What is your refund policy?
No refund given. All sales are final.
What if this isn’t working for me?
You can cancel your membership at any time, no questions asked.
How do I cancel membership?
Cancel your membership a few days before the date that you signed up. That way your card won't be charged.